Category Archives: My Life
Europe Trip
I was in my mid-30s feeling sort of restless, non-adventurous and boring. I reacted by going on a 10-day, 10,000-mile journey from Denver to London to Paris to [..]
I’ve noticed that I only feel creative when I’m pissed off or depressed. This creates an unusual tension. I love to write, vent, connect dots, and make observations. [..]
Tinder: An Unexpected Realization
I’m 30 years old and single. This is my doing. I’ve had plenty of opportunities for girlfriends in the past couple of years. I’ve traditionally been against relationships [..]
The Jinx Trap
I used to try to avoid getting jinxed all the time. Outside of avoiding being that guy, avoiding being jinxed was atop my list of life goals. And [..]
That Guy
The goal of my life is not to be “that guy.” No, the core values of my life, the very essence of my being, the light I’m trying [..]
I Haven’t Arrived
An aricle I wrote a couple years ago. I have a problem. I’m here on this earth in Denver, CO. I’m 26-years-old, in school, truckin’ through life. But [..]
The Schizophrenic 20s
An article I wrote 4 years ago. Still relevant, ha! I want it, I don’t want it. I am that, I’m not that. I am Danny and I’m [..]
A Day in the Life
Circa 2007. A glimpse into my life at that time. I got off work around two o’clock pm. Got in, ate a can of tuna and a packet of [..]