Category Archives: Rants

Nothing To See Here

I’m in a writing rut. I haven’t written much of anything lately, despite adequate free time. It’s not that I don’t want to write, it’s that I don’t [..]


Women’s March (Trump Protest)

The Women’s March that occurred this past weekend included somewhere around 3 to 4 million Americans, according to various reports.  People marched for a variety of reasons, but [..]

Politics, Rants

The Reason

Two tweets I saw recently: “I have no doubt in my mind that everything happens for a reason.  Every single thing.  The good and the bad all leads [..]

Philosophy, Rants

For Us By Us

A five o’clock shadow on a chiseled jaw is barely perceptible in the dimly lit cabin. As the car confidently glides around a corner, the driver speaks over [..]

Philosophy, Rants

The Design Sucks

We cannot escape the experience of being human. Everybody feels the full spectrum of emotions and lives within the confines of their physical makeups. And that freaking blows [..]

Philosophy, Rants

Apples to Apples

Two standard pieces of advice we often hear: don’t compare yourself to other people and be thankful for what you have. Pretty universally accepted I think. However, in [..]

Philosophy, Rants

Political Jadedness

I used to be submerged in politics. I could recall every minute detail of the day’s activity on The Hill. It was legitimately exciting to me, like sports [..]

Politics, Rants

Text Offenders

Texting sucks.  I think it might be the worst technological invention we’ve ever had to suffer through.  It’s no secret that old people despise it.  We’ve all heard [..]

Lighthearted, Rants

Unwarranted Heroism

The hero moniker is overplayed.  If you digest any amount of news you know that everything that everyone does is heroic and that every profession outside of Wall [..]

Philosophy, Rants

Me So Horny

I’m serious about this question: why are humans so damn horny?  Alongside money, what else makes the world go ‘round?  Unarguably it would be sex.  Sex is everywhere.  [..]

Rants, Uncategorized