Author Archives: dro1983

My Election Take

The day after the election—this is the day difficult to imagine ever coming.  In the thick of the piercing attack ads, the tightening polls, and the wild prognostications, [..]


Me So Horny

I’m serious about this question: why are humans so damn horny?  Alongside money, what else makes the world go ‘round?  Unarguably it would be sex.  Sex is everywhere.  [..]

Rants, Uncategorized

Everybody’s Got One

So, it’s that old presidential election season again.  And boy is it in full swing right now.  Mitt Romney pounded out President Obama in the first debate; Obama [..]


Don’t Ask Why

I’d describe myself as intellectually curious. I recently heard someone describe himself as having an unquenchable curiosity. I like that. I’d say that’s me. I’m addicted to information. [..]


The Inevitable Past

Everything that has happened started somewhere.  Everyone’s current position in life is the result of decisions, random occurrences, chance encounters, and experiences breeding experiences.  Each pivotal point, from [..]


Political Fantasies

Not many people, despite how laudable it is, support Communism as a realistic and workable economic system.  It’s not that they necessarily disagree with the idea and essence [..]


2012 Just Got Real

Mitt Romney recently selected Paul Ryan as his running mate in the 2012 Presidential election—and I’m so glad.  Both sides of the political spectrum are applauding the move.  [..]


The Jinx Trap

I used to try to avoid getting jinxed all the time.  Outside of avoiding being that guy, avoiding being jinxed was atop my list of life goals.  And [..]

My Life, Philosophy

That Guy

The goal of my life is not to be “that guy.” No, the core values of my life, the very essence of my being, the light I’m trying [..]

Lighthearted, My Life

That’s Satisfying

Can you only be satisfied after being unsatisfied? Can you only feel the euphoria of satisfying a need or desire if you’ve been experiencing the strain of that [..]
